2021 Life Theme Resolution Plan


All of us have unexplored regions within us that need to be healed.

These regions are dense. Thick. Like an overgrown jungle.

When issues arise in our lives - physical or emotional – it’s a sign tremendous progress is underway.

Our mind says "Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!" but, in truth, our Essence says "Party on, Garth."

It's a sign we're ready to explore. We're ready to ascend.

Look over your life and see what is demanding to be addressed. It may be a physical issue you can't ignore. It may be an emotional state you simply cannot shake.

It feels lethargic. Thick. Full.


Time to make it liquid. Open. Clear.

Identify the emotion. The physical symptom.

Now let's find the root cause and the core reason why this has gripped you.

Identify what it is. The feeling. The physical thing. Write it down. Don't simply say it aloud.

Then ask yourself, “What is the root cause of this physical or emotional discord I'm feeling?"

Because any physical or emotional discord is due to our inability to feel our feelings very deeply, without repressing the core of those emotions.

Combine that with nonattachment to the outcome and you've got the Golden Ticket my friends.

The root of our physical or emotional discord is an unexplored thought form, a belief, we've been secretly harboring most of our lives about ourselves or what we truly believe about life.

Any mindset that harbors any form of limitation whatsoever, regardless of whether your life has proved it to be true, is an illusion.

It is the reason for our pain, our discord. It is the origin of the density that is ruling our inability to feel light, free, safe, open, ready.

Look over past grievances, disappointments and other manifestation of the inhibition of your personal will and see if it can survive under the light of limitlessness.

Write down a few of those beliefs. This week we’re going to lighten those up.

Very shortly, you will live like how you would like it to be.

Michael C. BryanComment